Cancer Screening Resources – What Happens Next Series

Early screening and diagnosis of cancer increases the chances of it being more treatable and survivable. However, it can be scary to have lots of test done when you don’t know what to expect. Therefore, Ansar, CoppaFeel! and Orchid created the ‘What Happens Next Series’. These are easy read cancer screening resources that explain in an accessible way what happens after you notice a change in your chest or testicles.

The resources also explain the common tests done in cancer screening, such as mammograms, biopsies and ultrasounds. Each resources has space at the end for you to write down any questions you may want to ask the doctor during your appointment.

Our hope is that these resources will help people with a learning disability feel more comfortable going to the doctor when they notice a change in their bodies.

Ashley Series

Ashley Goes for a Core Needle Biopsy (448kB)

Ashley Goes for a Breast Ultrasound (396kB)

Ashley Goes for a Blood Test (455kB)

Anna Series

Anna Goes to a Doctors Appointment (577kB)

Anna Goes for a Surgical Biopsy (414kB)

Anna Goes for a Mammogram (416kB)

Anna Goes for a Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (454kB)

Anna Goes for a Core Needle Biopsy (451kB)

Anna Goes for a Breast Ultrasound (406kB)

Adam Series

Adam Goes to a Doctors Appointment (596kB)

Adam Goes for a Testicular Ultrasound (405kB)

Adam Goes for a Blood Test (466kB)