Sian’s Story – How She Found Herself With Thera North

Sian reveals how she found living in respite and her improvement after she switched to Thera North.

Hello, my name is Sian, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I came over to Thera from respite when I was 19 years old, at that time in my life I felt lost, I felt like I didn’t know who I was, I had no confidence I couldn’t speak to anyone, the easiest thing to do was to shut myself away, that way I didn’t have to speak to anyone or deal with anything at that time that was my coping mechanism.

I felt like I had isolated myself to a point I had no drive for anything. I couldn’t call to book something like a doctor’s appointment that seems so simple, but I would have needed staff to do this for me as I would have felt way out of my comfort zone. I didn’t feel comfortable in myself, but I felt for the sake of my health with support from staff I joined Slimming World. This was a big step for me, but I knew it was something I needed to do.

My support team grew bigger, and I trusted them more and more, they knew what I was capable of, every step they were behind me even if it was a supportive word or a ‘Hi Sian’ behind my closed door.

Now this present day I don’t recognise the person that I once was, I am happy, I’m confident, I feel like a whole different me. I’m in control of my life. I know I can do this. I have managed this because of the team I have around me. My health has never been better. I have lost five stone, I order my own medication, book my own doctor’s appointments. Who would have thought it?

My biggest achievement with support I have arranged, booked, and paid for my very First holiday to Disneyland Paris “I did this.”

I’m happy and so proud of myself. I would like to say thank you to my support staff team for all the support I have and the encouragement I have received. Here’s to the next chapter.

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