News: June 2017

Being a Non-Executive Director: Peter’s story

Posted 27/06/2017

Peter is a Non Executive Director for Thera South West. As part of the Board, Peter uses his experience of having a learning disability to ensure that Thera South West is led and managed well.

What Gig Buddies Means To Me

Posted 07/06/2017

Josh Barton is the director of Upward Mobility, an Edinburgh charity offering a curriculum of creative workshops and vocational programmes to people with a learning disability. Here, Josh talks about what Gig Buddies means to Upward Mobility.

Community fundraising benefits

Posted 05/06/2017

Evelina from GoRaise talks to us about why community fundraising is so important for charities like Thera, and how people can get together as a team to reach their fundraising goals.