England returns to coronavirus tier system

Posted 02/12/2020

The national coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions in England ended on Wednesday 2 December.

The 3 tier system for controlling coronavirus (COVID-19) has been reintroduced in England following the 4 week national restrictions.

This is the Medium (Tier 1), High (Tier 2) and Very High (Tier 3)  tier levels that tell you what you can and cannot do in your area.

We have produced Easy Read guidance on the tiers which you can see below or on our Guidance in England page. If you are looking for the rules in Scotland, please visit our Guidance in Scotland page.

Easy Read - Medium Alert Guidance (958kB)

Easy Read - High Alert Guidance (958kB)

Easy Read - Very High Alert Guidance (957kB)

Which tier am I in?

You can type in your postcode to easily find out what the restrictions are in your area: https://www.gov.uk/find-coronavirus-local-restrictions


Correct as of: 15:15, 02 December 2020