September Adult Community Learning Sessions

Posted 10/09/2024

Unity Works is running a series of one off in sessions September focused on Youth Mental Health and Health and Wellbeing.

Unity Works is running a series of one of adult community learning sessions in September for people aged 19 plus with a learning disability living in Greenwich. These sessions will focus on Youth Mental Health and general Health and Wellbeing as part of Youth Mental Health Day and National Fitness and Blood Pressure Awareness Month taking place in September.

Let’s Talk: Blood Pressure – Know Your Numbers!

What will the session cover?

  • Explore how to read your blood pressure numbers
    Taking care of your health and wellbeing

When: 16th September between 11am – 1pm at the Eltham Centre. 

Let’s Talk: Using Apps for Health

What will the session cover?

• Explore using apps to improve your health
• Build your confidence in your digital skills!

When: 16th September between 2pm – 4pm.  Please note that this session will take place via Zoom. 

Youth Mental Health Day Social Media Workshop

What is the session about?

  • Understanding the benefits of having positive mental health
  • How we can understand we can stay safe while using social media
  • Develop your digital skills and confidence in using your device!

What we will do on this session?

  • Using social media safely for our mental health.
  • Learn to use our digital devices to improve our feeling and attitudes towards stress.
  • Develop one or two objectives  and look at how to develop positive habits on social media
  • Learn what works for you!

When: 19th September between 11am – 1pm. Please note that this session will take place via Zoom. 


To sign up for these workshops contact Marie at [email protected] or ring Marie on 07933 517 003