The celebration event was held at Didcot Civic Hall in Oxfordshire on Tuesday 11 July. It was a joint celebration event and award ceremony celebrating both the people we support and staff.
The event was jointly hosted by Managing Director, Ben Lanes, and Service Quality Director, Oliver Smith. In total, over 150 nominations were received, and 13 awards were given out to individuals and teams. Adrian Jarvis, one of the trustees, presented the first award.
Ben Lanes, Managing Director of The Camden Society, said this about the event:
This is our first celebration and award event since 2019 and the turnout for the day was amazing. From the games to the cake decorating, to the arts and crafts and especially the karaoke, all that attended had a great day.

Among the people we support who received an award were Adam Dykes, Neil Chatfield and Anton Ashe. They were nominated for their fantastic achievements and the impact they’ve made on The Camden Society and their communities.
Aton and Adam were both nominated for fundraising for various charities, including taking part in multiple mile long walks. Neil was celebrated for getting involved in his local community and always brightening his support staff’s day over the last 12 years.
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners!
The fun-filled day ended with some garden games such as Jenga and karaoke to get people dancing. Songs from ABBA to Jonny Cash were enjoyed by all!