On 1 December, Thera has planned a roadshow of best moments, fantastic work, and incredible people that make Thera a cause worth celebrating. From the bottom end of England to the top of Scotland, join the ride of Giving Tuesday to see how we fuel people with a learning disability to live the life they choose.
Thera Roadshow is excited to announce Tim Burgess, lead singer of The Charlatans, will be hosting a Twitter Listening party on Giving Tuesday in aid of Thera Trust!
Tim will be discussing live on Twitter the album ‘Shut It’ by Heavy Load. Heavy Load, a punk band, are best known for starting the Stay Up Late campaign, which later became a charity and set up initiatives such as Gig Buddies.
Giving Tuesday, originally in the US, the first Tuesday after Thanks Giving, has exploded into a worldwide day of sharing, supporting, and spreading the love for our favourite charitable causes. Without voluntary funding from our amazing supporters, Thera wouldn’t be able to provide the incredible opportunities that empower the people we support to enjoy friends, careers, hobbies and a home – just like everyone else.
This Giving Tuesday, hop on to the Thera Roadshow page and let us show you the incredible work that happens to support people with a learning disability to live the life they choose.
#GivingTuesday #TheraRoadshow #TimsTwitterListeningParty #GigBuddiesWithThera